
50 Things

I’ve seen “50 Things About Me” done on many other websites and blogs and thought it would be a good idea for my website. Sometimes these lists are generic questions and answers but I’m choosing the more free-form route of listing pointless trivial facts that are somehow supposed to summarize my life. Enjoy. Updated 10/24/07 Outdated things crossed out 3/4/10 1. Name: Michael Sussman. 2. Age: 30-something. 3. I’m originally from East Northport, New York, on the northern shore of Long Island. 4. I lived in only one home my entire childhood. 5. I lived in West Lebanon, NH, Salisbury, MD, and Plattsburgh, NY between 1995 and 1998. 6. I now call Charlotte, North Carolina my home. 7. I am married to my college sweetheart. 8. I thoroughly disliked writing the word sweetheart above. 9. We never got to go on our honeymoon. 10. I have two daughters. 11. I have  two  one dog s : A Rat Terrier named Boomer  and a Pug named Hobo . They rough-house constantly. 12.  I am currently a Senior Producer i

The Announcement


3D Chalk Art

Imagine if the fictionally warped world of M.C. Escher was taken off the flat easel that makes his illusions possible, and thrust into the real 3D world? Now throw in some busy city sidewalks and a bucket of street chalk and you’ve got the work of a European artist named Julian Beever. Beever creates chalk drawings on flat city sidewalks that amazingly appear three-dimensional when viewed from just the right angle. From any other angle the drawings look totally distorted. Above you see an amazing illusion of Beever acting as if he’s ready to dive into the drawing, which is really a totally flat section of sidewalk! On the right is another of his drawings where he is being rescued by Batman and Robin from a subterranean Gotham City. Below are two links with photos to many more of Beever’s 3D illusions. Enjoy


I’m sorry to say that Patty’s grandfather, James Fox, passed away last night. Rest in peace.

Google Personalized Homepage

Yes, another post about how great Google is, but I’ll keep it short. I’ve always had Google as my homepage and several months ago I started customizing my personalized homepage with a few available Google gadgets. Last week Google introduced the feature of multiple tabs to their personalized homepage. Now to be perfectly honest, my Yahoo has had this feature for years so Google is actually behind the times on this one. But the great new feature Google included was the ability to add content from  any  RSS or Atom feed to my pages. Now I’ve set up a second tab and put all the blogs and newsfeeds I like to check on one page. So whether it’s a friend's personal blog, the official Google Blog, or breaking news from WSOC-TV (obligatory company plug), I can now see when any of them have a new post all at a single glance. P.S. If you want to add my blog’s feed to your personalized Google homepage, the feed url is

Mets Clinch Division Title

I’ve been waiting for 18 years to hear those words! Tonight the New York Mets clinched their first National League East divisional title since 1988. Plus as a bonus, the Atlanta Braves streak of 14 consecutive NL East titles has ended.

Treadmill Dancing

I know I’m behind the times but I just stumbled upon this video posted on somebody’s blog. Apparently it’s been popular around the internet for the past six weeks. Very impressive and original choreography. Given the poor production quality of this video I originally thought this was just some stupid human trick, but this is a real music video by a band I’ve never heard of called OK Go . Well their idea to spread their music through an interesting viral video worked on me because other than the fact that I enjoyed the video, I also like the music and I may see what else they’ve got. This video also reminds me of another viral video I like which featured “dancing”:  Where The Hell Is Matt .